25 profitable course topic ideas for fitness and nutrition professionals
(INCLUDING real examples from my clients!)
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Are you a fitness or nutrition professional who’s thought about creating an online course
ready to take your expertise online but feeling overwhelmed by where to start?
Maybe you’re wondering "What the heck would I even create a course on?!"
If so...You're in the RIGHT place.
You are ready to diversify your income and ease up on the 1:1 grind.
The good news? The online space holds endless opportunities for the fitness and nutrition professional to help WAY more people than 1:1 sessions PLUS bring your own creativity, coaching style and expertise into a wildly successful online course
Listen, fitness professional- I get it...
Everyday you see fitness professionals sharing their courses online and making a killing doing so! You want in - BUT, you can’t help but wonder if you have the know-how to take your expertise and package it into something MEANINGFUL you can sell to clients online.
I want to see the possibilities for my online course!!
Tell me, Fit Pro if any of the following sound like you....
- You love the idea of creating an online group course but think: “What the heck topic would I create my course on??”
- You wonder "Will anyone *actually* buy this?" after you put so much work into creating it
- You struggle to wonder how you will set yourself apart from other fitness and nutrition coaches you see selling courses online
- You feel so confident working 1:1 with clients but unsure if your expertise will translate online & don't even know where to begin!
- You worry you're not enough of an 'expert' to teach therefore people won't buy
If this is you, I've been in your shoes and don't worry....You are about to dive into this FREE guide that will help show you the endless possibilities of what the heck you could create your profitable course about
let’s DIVE in!

Here is what you are getting....
- A breakdown of HOW to find a profitable course topic including key questions to think about when thinking about your course topic idea
- 10 examples of online fitness course topic ideas
- 10 examples of online nutrition course topic ideas
- 5 examples from my clients who have created successful courses so you can see REAL success!
You are about to take your swirling ideas and put them into ACTION so so you can have your amazing idea for your professional, profitable online course!
OK! I need this FREE guide!!
Say HELLO to the REAL possibilities of how you could bring your expertise online, changing lives and your bank account!
Here's what they're saying...

Hi! I'm Naomi....
A former full time, burnt out full time personal trainer.
I left the corporate fitness world after 8 years after recognizing that I was so tired of trading time for money. I started posting on Instagram with the goal to build community through my content. Connection first, sales second
I grew my online fitness business to six figures in 2 years by creating a high ticket fitness course geared toward a specific clientele with the help of of social media to create epic valuable content
Creating an online business quite literally changed my life.
So much so, that I knew it was my calling to support other fit pros with this 'hidden secret' so they too could have more TIME in their lives and financial stability
I created my signature mentorship 1FITBIZ, with the intention to help fitness professionals create an online course from start to finish
Over the past 4 years, I've created a business and methodology that helps my clients position their offers and content into SOLUTIONS for their audiences so they can change lives & make money online
My mission is to to help you build sustainable, future proofed, financially stable business model that not only deliver exceptional results to your clients, but also help YOU create the life you crave without the stress of 'where is my next client coming from'

If you are ready to bring your profitable course topic to LIFE from IDEA into ACTION?
Grab this FREE guide right now!
Wahoo!!!! I am IN!